The Health and Well-Being of our Community is Paramount

The Delta Diner takes pride in our reputation for cleanliness and providing an extremely sanitary DINER experience. We also take pride in our position as a socially engaged community leader. With the current and potential impacts of the Coronavirus, we are taking even more aggressive steps to protect the health of our customers, staff and community. All steps are meant to reduce the possibility of cross-infection.

 We have removed all single use items from our tables (creamers, jellies, butters, etc.) and will
instead will bring each table exactly what they need.

 All multi-use items such as syrups, salt/pepper grinders, hot sauces and condiments will not just
be cleaned, but thoroughly sanitized between each new seating.

 We have implemented a systematic process for cleaning and sanitizing all surface areas that our
customers and staff may come in contact with on a continuous basis throughout the day.

 All employees of the Delta Diner are committed hand washers but we have reinforced
communication with our staff with regard to the significance of properly doing so.

 Any employee that is sick will remain home. Any employee with Coronavirus symptoms will be
required to be tested before returning to work. Any employee that needs to apply self-
quarantine and cannot work will be given financial assistance to help them through their illness.

 We have adjusted our To-Go order policy to better facilitate this option for customers who are
more comfortable enjoying a Diner meal at home. Please don’t hesitate to ask.

These steps are only part of what is necessary to be effective. We ask our customers who do not feel
well, who have traveled to highly infected areas recently, or those who may or have come in contact
with anyone exhibiting symptoms to remain home and take the prescribed steps as directed by the
WHO, CDC, State and local health organizations.

The Delta Diner will remain open for business, providing economic support to our community through jobs and local purchasing, until such time that the aforementioned health organizations may deem it in the best interest of the community for us not to.

No need to panic folks … wash your hands, put your community first and consider those who are most
susceptible to infection in your actions. Responsible personal behavior is our best defense. Stay
positive and be well!

Todd, Nina, Mary and the Diner Crew